Following Your Dreams

If we are like most people we all have that one thing that was placed deep in our hearts since we were a child that we wanted to do. That one thing we wanted to be or accomplish when we got older. The passion was so alive and on fire and today it still is, but we may not know how to get there. But God says to walk by faith, be obedient and trust Him to pave the way there. Whatever passions God placed inside of you He wants you to use it, and He wants you to use it for His glory. We can take God with us everywhere and in any profession.

When I was in Elementary school and first learned how to start writing, I fell love with the art of writing ever since. The beauty of weaving words together to create a beautiful message or story has always intrigued me. But I always kept this gift as a hobby or simply a “dream”, something that I would wake up from and never really be able to live out. I became unconfident in my ability to get published or get my work out there so I just settled, but now I am resolute on accomplishing this dream. I will live it out by God's grace.

Anytime you want to live out your purpose the enemy will fight against it and make you feel like you aren't able enough to do it, but God is able to do all things, and if we just let Him lead us in everything we do He will make a way. Don’t give up on your dreams.

I've decided now that I am going to chase and grab onto these God given dreams no matter what. As many of you may know I have published my very first novel titled “Leaving Jade!” I am just so thankful and humbled by all of your support and love, it really means a lot to me.

The book will be available May 5th, 2014 via I am just so excited to see where God is taking me. I trust Him and I put it all in His hands. I know that becoming a bestselling author is my destiny and that He will pave the way for its success.

So I encourage you to go after whatever dream you had since you were a little boy or girl. You’ll never get anywhere by staying still. Let your feet hit the ground running and grab for what’s yours. All things are possible with God! You can do this! I’m so excited ya’ll! I can’t wait to see God do great things through all of us for His kingdom!

Love and happiness, 


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