In life there's always going to be sunshine, but along with the sunshine there may come a little rain. Such is true with our journey and walk with God. Sometimes things can seem like they are going so perfect, that we finally have a hang of this walk with God, but then suddenly a storm comes and then we have to figure out how to get through it.
This year has not been the easiest for me, in fact it's been the year that I've been learning the most about God, myself and life. Sometimes learning experiences aren't fun, but they do produce results that can have everlasting benefits for your entire life. So through the storm remember to learn what it is that God wants you to take away from it. Storms look rough when you're going through them, but at the end of the storm is a beautiful sunny day.
With anything in life growth comes with growing pains. It's important through storms to stick close to God more than ever because He's our navigation through it. Get around people who will hold you accountable through the storm and won't throw you a pity party.
Pity parties are the worst and are only an aid to continue in misery and play the blame game, I know because I was recently going through one of them. Instead of doing the blame game learn ways that you can make your situation better. Know in your storm that this is not the end game, your storm is preparing you for something greater, but first you have to get pruned and refined.
It's important to don't give up and know that storms don't last always, we all have our different seasons in life. The Bible tells us that there are many seasons in an individuals life.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: - Ecclesiastes 3:1
Sometimes it's up to us with how long we'll last in the storm,or how long it will take us to learn the lesson God places us through the storm for. Some storms we can bring on upon our self. Whatever the reason it's important to seek God even more so He can strengthen us to overcome.
With these previous storms in my life, I've learned to be content with where I am in life at the moment, although it's not where I WANT to be, it's where God has me for right now. Being thankful for each breath God blesses me with has given me a better perspective on things. It's always important to be thankful to our Creator. He knows us more than we know our self, and He does all things for a reason. Trust that He loves His children and He's leading us to still waters. Even if we may make a mistake while going through the storm, He's a faithful God and He'll stick with us if we continue to lean on Him.
Keep the faith, the main thing the enemy wants us to do in a storm is to doubt God. But we have to keep our eyes on Jesus unless we'll sink like Peter did.
Life's Storms can produce the most beautiful results if we learn to grow from them.
Love and happiness,
Celebrating my love's bday last weekend! |